• A New Way to Set Goals That Works

    You’ve made it to the right place if you are looking for a new way to achieve your goals. 

    I see you. It feels like you have tried everything like resolutions, strict plans and other methods of goal setting that have not worked for you.

    I hear you. It feels a lot easier to set goals, but it has been so hard seeing these projects through to the end. It is so discouraging, frustrating, and you’re wondering why you haven’t yet made it where you want to go. 

    Life just keeps getting in the way of your dreams!

    Here you will learn more about what a vision board is, why they work, how to create one, and the key steps to making it happen.

    A vision board will help you visualize your goals and get you moving in the direction you want to go with confidence.

    Let’s get started!

    What is a Vision Board?

    A vision board is a visual representation of your goals. It will help your thoughts, ideas or a combination of both come to life.

    What is so special about them anyway?

    It’s simple. Creating a visual representation of what you want will lead you one step closer to living your life with purpose.

    To put it simply, if you don’t know where you’re going, it will be really hard to get there.

    Did you know how powerful visualization is?

    This one study looking at brain patterns (Ranganathan et al., 2004) found mental strength to be as important as physical strength even when working with professional weight lifters!

    The point is that the act of visualizing will help you achieve your goals by strengthening your brain’s muscles to help you get to where you would like to go. Whether you have a specific goal in mind, or are not quite sure what you want this year to look like, this method works wonders. They can be fun, grounding, and help you connect to your creative side too.

    How to Create One 

    According to the vision board guru, Kristen Cane, there are three types of vision boards.

    First, pick the one that feels best for you.

    Type 1 – I know precisely what I need, so let’s get started visualizing to make it happen

    • This type works best for people looking for a promotion at work, looking to move locations, or having a specific goal in mind that they would like to visualize.

    Type 2 – I know that I need a change, I am just not exactly sure what it is yet

    • These vision boards work great for people who have been through a really rough period, and are looking for a positive start to make changes in their lives whether or not their vision is clear to them.

    Type 3 – I want to focus on a particular theme

    • These types of vision boards work great for people who want to focus on a particular area of life like, ‘family’, ‘home’ or ‘career’. They also work well for new phases of life to set new intentions, like post-baby goals, or goals for a new year.

    Then, make sure you have the right Supplies…

    *Disclaimer: These are my recommendations. If you have an idea, or are inspired to take yours in a different direction, by all means go for it! This is your board, and only you know what works best for you.

    1. Go to your local target, Michaels, craft store, or buy online to find a hard surface. An 11×14 rectangular shape in wood or canvas works well.

    • I recommend a hard surface over a pliable one like a bendy poster board to set your intentions more firmly, it makes it easier to hang up or display as well.

    2. Gather 3-5 magazines that you like with images in them related to your theme, exact goal, or if you are not sure what it is yet, find images you are drawn to (remember this is all about the creative process, so try and let it happen naturally).

    3. Ask a friend or family member to join you whether it be in person or virtually. If you choose to do a virtual option, which also works well, make an effort to use the same medium as your partner is using. In my experience it is helpful for keeping the two of you connected throughout the process.

    4. Pick one image to place in the center of your board, whether it be a photo of family, yourself, a combination of words you like, a quote, or an object you have laying around that can easily be glued onto your surface. 

    • Again, this is a recommendation, so by all means skip this part if something doesn’t come to mind naturally. Maybe you don’t want your board to have a center or focal point, this is completely up to you. 

    5. Grab some glue, scissors, a clean surface and try to pick a time that works well for you. A time where you do some of your best thinking.

    6. Optional items:  Set the mood with music, take a moment to write down (journal or bullet point) some things for yourself you would like to visualize.  They can be broad or specific based on the type of board you will be creating. 

    Lastly, close your eyes for one whole minute and set an intention for this time that is all yours.

    Way to go!

    No matter how scared, confused, excited, annoyed, or insert whatever emotion you may be feeling…take a moment to honor exactly where you are right now.

    Change, no matter how good it may be, can be challenging. And scary.

    How to make it happen: 

    1. Pick a time
    2. Mark your calendar
    3. Get the supplies

    I hope this activity gives you exactly what you need to reset, refresh, and crush this next chapter of your life. 

    Investing in you first will have great rewards for not only you, but also for the others in your life that are most important to you. 

    Only you have the power to create the life you want, and it begins with you.

    Until next time.

    Alexandra is a licensed clinical social worker with over a decade of experience working with people just like you. She is also a proud mom of two, who loves to spend time with family, bake and stay active in her free time. Sign up HERE for wellness inspiration for a happy (and healthy) mind, body, and family delivered straight to your inbox.


    Hass, L., MD. (2021, January 25). Five Skills We Need for the Year Ahead. Retrieved from https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/five_skills_we_need_for_the_year_ahead

    Ranganathan VK, Siemionow V, Liu JZ, Sahgal V, Yue GH. From mental power to muscle power–gaining strength by using the mind. Neuropsychologia. 2004;42(7):944-56. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2003.11.018. PMID: 14998709.